
Showing posts from May, 2021

The Role of Activist Art

What is the role of activist art in society? Activist art started in full effect post the Vietnam war with the rise of AIDS in America. The AIDS epidemic hit the art world hard and activist art came into resurgence as a mark against Vietnam and civil unrest. Activist art feared over-complication leading to muddying of the waters or re-stereotyping the group seeking representation. The art piece named “Detournement” by Krzgsztof Wodiczko took symbols of political power and projected onto them the critique of the power itself. Activist art is based on the propaganda effect not form with aesthetic appeal. Act-up of AIDS activism was the first fight against ‘hate’ equating passivisity to murder. Act-up also went to reappropriate words and meanings about gay life and abortion. Activist art put a peaceful use of power to art about the distribution of power in politics usually in a shocking, ironic, and informative manner. I believe activist art to be very powerful in bringing about

Societal Importance of Feminist Art

What is the societal importance of Feminist art? Societal view on women and how sex plays into culture both on women and general ‘patriarchal culture’ boxes women to stereotypical roles placed on by men. In society there is a man centered focus where women have fought against an unfair standard of inferiority. Feminist art seeks to open the mind of the public to these injustices and the over emphasis on sexuality. Feminist art sought to unlock the door all people not just women but also minorities. It presents the notion that women and men are equal. Feminist art redefines the role of a woman in society. She does not belong in the kitchen, she is not inferior, and she is capable of much more than men believe. I think feminist art is one of my favorite genres because of how passionate it presents this dilemma that has gone on for far too long unquestioned. It raises issues that get people to question the old ways of doing things. I believe that it frees the silence placed